Preventing Terrorism in the United States
What Could Be Done?
- Fighting terrorism in America does not have a clear method of prevention.
- Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes increased surveillance will fight terrorism. She says she wants help from big technology companies to help "interrupt terror plots."
- On a phone call with CNN, Donald Trump said that to deal with the terrorists you have to take out their families.
- Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders believes war should be avoided at all costs when stopping terrorism.
Advancements in Technologies:
Security at transportation companies, and cargo transport facilities are increasing their security at the borders and points of entry.
- Detection of weapons and explosives
- Preventing cyber networks from attacks
- Increase information-sharing partnerships
Everyday People Stopping Terrorism
Teaching terrorism awareness to citizens plays a large part in preventing terrorism.
Boston bomber suspect carrying weapon in backpack.
The Issue With Increased National Security
"The reality, of course, is that no matter how good a nation’s security and intelligence agencies are, they cannot prevent 100 percent of planned attacks."
To Sum Up
Terrorism is not so easily preventable. By teaching the public to report potential terrorist attacks it will prevent terrorist attacks. Current presidential candidates are debating over how to stop terrorism. Increased security and technology will also prevent terrorism.
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